On Thursday, the NFL Competition Committee decided on rules for video review of passing interference. Instead of adopting several amendment proposals, they chose to maintain the original plan set in March.

Now, the team manager will be able to challenge the interference of passing penalties or unpaid penalties before the last two minutes of the second and second half. In the last two minutes and extra time, the referee will be responsible for suspending the game and looking back at the video.

This rule will only apply to the 2019 season, and after the end of the season, the team owners will decide whether to change or cancel the rule for the 2020 season jerseys slaes.

Members of the Committee feared that there might be too many video reviews at the end of the nfl game jerseys to suspend the game, so they once thought that the referee responsible for the video review could not suspend the game for review. On the contrary, they believe that this power belongs to the team manager. But some team managers opposed the idea, fearing that it would affect their use of the suspension strategy. (Challenge the call only when the team still has a suspension remaining)

To address concerns about excessive suspension, the Committee has asked referees to have “stricter standards” for suspension of passing interference. In the explanatory video posted on Twitter, the League said it must have “clear evidence” to show whether the interference of passing occurred in order to suspend the game for video review.

According to the explanatory videos, the Commission also allowed long-lived biographies to be re-examined by videos, provided that the decision was consistent with the rules governing performance in the law enforcement arena. At the end of the game, in a long pass, the catcher and the defender usually have a lot of physical contact, but the referee seldom makes a blow. It is expected that judges who review debt videos will rarely or never stop playing and look back at life-long biographies.