Just the Lombardy cup? Brady can also help Buccaneers sell jerseys!

Tom Brady came to Tampa Bay Buccaneers jerseys last year, which not only helped them to win the long-standing championship, but also led the pirate team’s peripheral sales, making them from one of the most unpopular teams in the League to the best-selling team of souvenirs around the league.

According to Michael Rubin, President of fanatics, the Buccaneers only ranked 28th among the 32 teams in terms of peripheral sales in 2019. However, with Brady’s arrival in the 2020 season and winning the championship, their peripheral sales jumped to the first place, with a year-on-year increase of 1200%, a record increase.

A spokesperson for fanatics didn’t disclose the specific number of sales growth. It is understood that the team with the second largest increase in souvenir sales in history was the eagles in 2017. At the same time, the growth of Brady’s personal peripheral sales is also the first in history, surpassing mahoms in 2019.

Buccaneers’ jerseys sell well, not only because of Tom Brady jersey, but also because of their own design. Last season, they changed the Jersey back to the style when they won the championship in 2002. The Jersey was used between 1997 and 2003. Before that, the 2013-2019 Jersey was not very popular.

Although Brady left patriot to look at the sales of his personal jerseys, Boston is still the best seller of his jerseys except Tampa Bay Buccaneers, followed by New York, Orlando and Los Angeles. New York and Los Angeles are the most densely populated areas in the United States. Orlando may have focused on Buccaneers in the same state because there are no NFL teams in the city.

It is reported that Brady has also broken fanatics’ single season sales record of individual jerseys. Within four days after the Buccaneers won the championship, his jerseys accounted for 19% of all the commodities around the Buccaneers.

In 2020, Brady and fanatics signed a long-term contract, allowing them to sell their souvenirs exclusively, some with Brady’s personal signature. In addition, he and President Rubin together, for the new crown during the people who do not eat enough to help.

Another manifestation of Brady’s high influence is on social media. According to statistics, before Brady came to the Buccaneers, there were only 792321 fans on the Buccaneers’ official twitter, which is now 997500.